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Cycle Training – Speed Training

Cycle Training – Speed Training

One of the most exhilarating feelings on a bike is when you are accelerating; calling on your own power to get your bike up to a fast speed is something most cyclists like to do. Speed training demands fitness and stores of energy that can only be gained through training.

Having the ability to ride fast as well as far will add a new dimension to your training and is something you should work towards.

Before you begin speed training you need to have a good level of fitness. Build your fitness levels up through endurance riding. After a few months of endurance riding your body will be able to cope with the demands of speed training.

If you have just started to cycle then it may take a little longer to build up your fitness level before you can begin speed training. Cycling fitness is like a pyramid, the longer the base of the pyramid the higher the peak. The greater your fitness base the better your speed training will be and you will be able to reach higher peaks.

Begin your speed training while on one of your normal rides. Incorporate some sprints into the ride. Use natural landmarks to pick a point for your sprint. This can be anything from a tree to a lamppost. As you draw near to your chosen starting point begin to accelerate. Climb up the gears, Stand up on the bike, out of the saddle and ride as fast as you can, really pump those peddles and push your body to work hard.

When you reach the sign you have chosen start to drop the gears and get back into your normal cycling rhythm. If you are having trouble recovering in the early part of your speed training, then drop some more gears.

Allow your body to recover back to its normal rhythm, however long it takes. In the beginning recovery will take a while depending on how fit you are; as your fitness improves your body will recover quicker.

Once you have recovered repeat the exercise. Do this three or four time during your ride or more if you feel up to it. Continue with this training and you will soon build up your cardio vascular tolerance and your recovery times will decrease.

Speed training will not only give you a new dimension to add to your cycling skills, it will greatly improve your fitness levels. It’s also very enjoyable


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